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Wednesday, November 12, 2014

May 12, 2014

This week was a great week. Just like all of them, full of ups and downs, but a week to learn from just the same.We had the great opportunity to prepare a guy named Sergio for baptism. His wife and family are members and have been for about the past 7 months. When the missionaries were teaching her and the family he didn't want one thing to do with them. Then about 7 months ago they were having problems with one another and Sergio didn't know what to do. He thought of one of the members near by and knew he could trust him. So he went to him, the member talked to him and referred him to the great Bishop here. They helped them work it out, then by himself he started to come to church. There we talked to him and started the process. Through the great example of the bishop and the members this family has taken the first step to being an eternal family. We don't realize how many people are watching us and need us, and HOW important it is to be and do those things that Christ would. People need us, and Christ needs true disciples of Him.  
 This week I have been thinking a lot about consecration, something that is a true sign of conversion.
As Human beings it is hard for us to give 110% of what we are, and what we have- to Him. And put Him first in everything, in magnifying our calling or just our membership in the church of Jesus Christ not matter the cost. And Magnify in all moments.
It is so cool to see the members here catching the wave if you will;  the "work of salvation" here in Mexico. Taking time out here to visit people with us and helping those who need it. I am more and more convinced every day that this is the way that we are really going to have success in the Lords vineyard, by working hand in hand, the missionaries and members. Its where we see real miracles.
Love you all
Elder Lloyd 

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