This week I have been thinking a lot about the simple fundamental things. We had an experience, where we were standing out in front of a shoe store, it was raining and was dark. We were ready to go home, when a young 22 year old came around the corner, he looked really stressed out and sad. He looked at us and said Elders, I need you to preach something to me. We said okay, like what, he said the plan of salvation or something I just need it. So really quick we gave him a run through the whole lesson there in the street. He looked at us with tears in his eyes and just said thank you. We talked to him a little bit, turns out he is a member but has been inactive for a long time now. We asked him if we could set up an a appointment to visit him another day. This past Sunday we went to his house. We got to know him a bit more. Turns out he was really active. He actually went on 2 mini missions while he was younger. But as time went on, he started to have questions and doubts, and stopped doing the things we need to do, the small and simple things, reading the Book of Mormon, praying, and attending church. We helped him understand some thing's, and helped him remember those fundamental things, then yesterday we saw him at church. We were SO happy.
In my mission, when we go to visit inactive members, there is always a common theme. They have stopped doing the fundamental, "primary" things that we know how to do. That's where it all starts and that's what will keep us going, keep doubts from creeping in too deep into our lives, and most importantly keep us close to our Heavenly Father and on the path that will lead us back to His loving arms once again! Prayer, Scriputres, and Church, That's what its all about!!
Love you all!!
Elder Lloyd