Another great week in the cement jungle!!!
This last week we were suppose to have had a Baptism with a guy name Carlos. I Love him he is awesome. Carlos is 20 and the uncle and lives with a member family in our ward. When I got here my companion and his old companion had wanted to teach him, but at the time he had a girl friend, whom he has a baby boy with. At the time his girl friend wanted nothing to do with The Church. The second night I was here they called us over to give Carlos's son a blessing because he was sick. We did and it was great. The next day the Mother of the member family told us in the street that Carlos was interested in the Church Because of what had happened the night before, She had told us that his girlfriend still wasn't, but he is breaking things off with her, And she wasn't going to live there anymore. We were stoked! We started teaching him the next day, and I struggled to get it out, In my broken Spanish, he accepted the invitation to be Baptized on the following Saturday. The whole rest of the week he was so ready. We went with him to the Chapel for his interview. He came out, and had some stuff he had to take care of with his girlfriend. He has to get married. Which isn't a problem, we LOVE getting people married!! haha
But in all seriousness... This was a huge lesson to me. That the choices we make today, can and WILL effect us later on in life. Whether for the good, or in this instance the bad. It is so sad to see someone that is ready to make the first covenant with our Heavenly Father, and the past came back to stop him. That being said it is never to late! He is ready and willing to take on this challenge and live a better life, And THAT is what life is all about!
We have a lot of baptisms that we are expecting this week with some really GREAT people! Like a 19 year old kid that wrecked my in soccer today, who loves music and Travis Barker the drummer from Blink 182. He actually looks just like a Mexican version of him!
It is so incredible to see how the Lord is constantly preparing people to make these incredible decisions in their lives. He truly does live, love, and knows every single one of us.Love you all!
Love Elder Lloyd
Always with Jesus :)
Mi and ma home gurl in da streets
Elder Laniez and I
With Preident and Sister Trevort and the newest Elders
Also even crazier, as I was reading that I was talking to my comp from Cali, and he asked me if I remembered a night, when we were going to our dinner appointment and the family was there yet, so i said to walk around and talk to people. I saw these three black kids in the road playing b ball, they all were high school age. I walked right over and started talking to them, I bore me testimony of how I know this Gospel is true, and how incredible it was. Handed them cards, and went to dinner. I didn't think much of it. Because that is what we did all day. BUT Elder flake had told me he saw one of the kids at church, and talked to him, he refereed himself to the english elders, through, and had a baptism date. You are SO right, you NEVER know who you are impacting! Im bugged! I forgot to but that in my letter!!!! but oh well. LOVE YOU Cort!!